B.Sc Horticulture

Serial No.Subject NameLink
2Breeding and Seed Production of Ornamental CropsView
3Breeding of fruit and Plantation CropsView
4Commercial FloricultureView
5Diseases of Vegetable & Ornamental and spice CropsView
6Elementary Plant Biochemistry and BiotechnologyView
7Elementary statistics and computer applicationView
8Environmental ScienceView
9Farm Power and MachineryView
10Fundamentals of Extension EducationView
11Fundamentals of Food TechnologyView
12Fundamentals of HorticultureView
13Fundamentals of Plant pathologyView
14Fundamentals of Soil ScienceView
15Growth and Development of Horticulture CropsView
16Horti-Business ManagementView
17Insect Pests of Fruit Plantation & Medicinal & Aromatic CropsView
18Insect Pests of Vegetable Ornamental & Spice CropsView
19Introduction to Major Field CropsView
20Introductory Agro-ForestryView
21Introductory Crop PhysiologyView
22Introductory EconomicsView
23Introductory Micro BiologyView
24Medicinal and Aromatic CropsView
25Mushroom CultureView
26Orchard managementView
27Organic FarmingView
28Ornamental HorticultureView
29Plantation CropsView
30Post Harvest Management of Horticultural CropsView
31Principles of Genetics and CytogeneticsView
32Principles of Landscape GardeningView
33Principles of Plant BreedingView
34Processing of Horticulture cropsView
35Soil and plant analysisView
36Spices and CondimentsView
37Temperate FruitsView
38Temperate VegetablesView
39Tropical and Subtropical VegetablesView
40Water Management in Horticultural CropsView
41Weed Management in Horticulture CropsView