Quiz Agronomy Quiz 1 Ayush Kumar 9 January 202216 January 2022 1 Comment agriculture mcq, Agriculture Quiz Contents hide 1 Results 1.1 #1. The sowing time of boro or dalua rice is 1.2 #2. The optimum pH of soil for rice cultivation varies in range 1.3 #3. IR-8 variety of rice is introduced in India from 1.4 #4. Which of the following variety is a dwarf mutant ? 1.5 #5. The seed rate of rice cultivation in broadcasting and drilling method, respectively should be Results #1. The sowing time of boro or dalua rice is March-April June - July Nov.- Dec. May - June #2. The optimum pH of soil for rice cultivation varies in range 4-6 5-6.5 6-7 7-9 #3. IR-8 variety of rice is introduced in India from Indonesia Taiwan USA Philippines #4. Which of the following variety is a dwarf mutant ? Jagannath Jaya Pusa-2-21 IR-8 #5. The seed rate of rice cultivation in broadcasting and drilling method, respectively should be 60, 100 kg/ha 45, 100 kg/ha 100, 60 kg/ha 100, 45 kg/ha Finish
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