BooksB.Sc Agriculture

Social and Farm Forestry pdf

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Book Detail: Social and Farm Forestry
Language:  English
Pages: 120
Author: TNAU
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1.Role of forests – productive role – food, fuel, clothing, shelter, timber and non- timber forest produce and protective role – climate amelioration, soil and water conservation, habitat for wildlife, purification ofatmosphere.1-6

2.Status of Indian forests – Comparison with other countries, NationalforestPolicy,1988. 7-26

3.Agroforestry – definition – different terminologies – components –distinction between agroforestry and social forestry. Benefits and constraints of agro forestry27-34

4.Classificationofagroforestrysystemsonstructural,functional,socio-economicand ecologicalbasis. 35-37

5.Agrisilvicultural systems – improved fallow species in shifting cultivation, taungya system, multi species tree garden, alley cropping, multi purpose trees and shrubs on farmlands, crop combinations with plantation crops, fuelwood plantations. 38-43

6.Shelter belts, wind breaks, soil conservation hedges. 44-47

7.Silvipastural system – protein bank, live fence of fodder and hedges and trees and shrubs on pasture. 48

8.Agrisilvipastural systems – homestead, woody hedgerows for browse, mulch, green manure, soil conservation – other systems 49-50

9.Planning in agroforestry – Diagnosis and Design 51-55

10.Agroforestry systems for seven agro climatic zones in Tamil Nadu 56-62

11.Role of trees in soil fertility – Economicsofagroforestry 63-69

12.Community forestry – evolution of social forestry concepts – Social forestry in Tamil Nadu, Interface forestry – JFM,TAP 70-75

13.Wasteland development – definition – extent and classification. Suitable trees for problem soils –planting technique for wastelands. Trees in soil and water conservation. Afforestation for sand dune stabilization, mine burden, coastal and hilly areas 76-85

14.Silvicultural practices for Teak, Eucalyptus andTamarind 86-93

15.Silvicultural practices for Ailanthus, Neem, Pungam and Prosopis 94-104

16.Silvicultural practices for Casuarina Silk cotton, Acacias andB amboos 105-11

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